Belle Bonnet will be present at the kickoff of the Pinkmama Foundation on 13 September!

Foundation Pinkmama … a great initiative, from Marion Reefs and Marlies Verstappen-Muijsers, where Belle Bonnet wants to contribute!

On the occasion of the kick-off of the Pinkmama Foundation, a Pinkmama Event will take place on Wednesday 13 September at Hotel / Restaurant Riche, Steenstraat 51 in Boxmeer from 19.30. until 22.30 . During this Event, Pinkmama is officially launched and can introduce fellow sufferers and their relatives to Pinkmama. Attention is also paid to everything that comes with sickness, hairpieces, prostheses, hats, help on an emotional level, but also to beauticians, nail technicians, notaries and children coaches. So everything you have to deal with when you are confronted with breast cancer.

The aim of this evening is to offer companions and their families the opportunity to get acquainted with regional companies / facilities (Nijmegen-Venlo-Uden region) in an informal atmosphere and where they can find all kinds of information.


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